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Will Writing a Book Help Me Build My Credibility as an Expert?

Yes, writing books absolutely does build your credibility as an expert. However, you can’t just write the book, place it on Amazon and expect to become a world-renowned authority in your area of expertise overnight. Facebook and Linkedin are riddled with new authors who pepper their news feed with desperate “buy my book” pleas. Unfortunately, most people aren’t paying attention.

The key to building credibility is to also build an audience who needs what you have to offer. How do you do that?

#1 Know who you want to serve.

Who do you serve? What do they need? What is bothering them so bad that they are willing to pay for your support? For many of us, this takes some time to figure out, however it’s time well spent. If you write your book before having a good handle on who your audience is, then you waste a lot of time talking to any and everyone who will listen (which is usually nobody…).

#2 What book can you write to position yourself as a credible expert for this audience?

I always start with what your audience is asking you to write. What are the questions that come up often? Can you put together a book that will serve their needs and introduce you as the most logical solution?

Do some research on books that have already been written in your area of expertise. What made these books successful? Check out the reader comments on Amazon. Look for clues on how you can use the reader responses to guide your approach to writing your book.

#3 Look for ways to build a relationship with your audience.

The benefit of building an audience while you write your book is that you have an opportunity to test your materials out on real people who already like you. Ask questions on social media related to your topic and see what kind of responses you get. Share short articles about your topic on Linkedin and Medium. Close each article with a question to get people talking in the comments section.

Writing a book is a small part of the authority building equation. However, the time you put into it is well worth the effort. When done correctly, it will pay you back in the way of opportunities to touch lives. I know from experience that there is no greater feeling than connecting with a person who took the time to not just read your book, but also implemented your suggestions and shared it with their friends and colleagues.

Are you ready to write your book? Download this free gift: 7 Keys to Writing a Self-Help Book that Grows Your Business.

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Halona Black

Nonfiction Ghostwriter | Editor | Content Strategist
Halona Black is a Ghostwriter, Editor, and Content Strategist. She ghostwrites books, articles, and thought leadership pieces for C-level executives, coaches, and keynote speakers.

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